June 18, 2019
ARM Template is a toolkit provided by Sitecore to easily deploy Sitecore solutions to Azure. The following shows how to use it to create a Sitecore XM Package and deploy it to Azure by ARM Template.
- Create Azure storage and container
- Download Sitecore Azure Toolkit (https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Sitecore_Azure_Toolkit.aspx)
- Make sure that all the databases' users have enough permissions to create DACPAC files for packaging
- Stop IIS App Pools of the websites
- Run the following script in Powershell to create Sitecore packages:
Import-Module .\tools\Sitecore.Cloud.Cmdlets.psm1
Start-SitecoreAzurePackaging -sitecorePath 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\champions.gmi.dev.local' -destinationFolderPath 'C:\GeneralMillsXMPackages' -cargoPayloadFolderPath '.\resources\9.0.1\CargoPayloads' -commonConfigPath '.\resources\9.0.1\Configs\Common.Packaging.config.json' -skuConfigPath '.\resources\9.0.1\Configs\XM.Packaging.config.json' -parameterXmlPath '.\resources\9.0.1\MsDeployXmls'