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When Procter & Gamble wanted to launch a marketing campaign with real social impact through their Pantene brand, they partnered with influencers and experts from the community they wanted to highlight in the campaign and allowed their expertise to guide the messaging and direct the impact of the campaign. When the time came to recreate that impact with a different brand, community, and social issue, they followed a similar strategy and allowed the experts to guide their way.  

As a result, P&G has managed to create two different campaigns for two different brands that have both garnered global success and reach. In this 43-minute conversation, we’re once again sitting down with Helene Graffner, Brand and Communications Director, Hair Care Europe at Procter & Gamble and Bernadette Hutson, Account Director at Valtech Radon, but instead of talking about Pantene, we’re going to look at a campaign with Head & Shoulders, dedicated to fighting the stigma and bullying associated with dandruff.   

This podcast has important information about creating a strong marketing campaign intended to reach Gen Z, building on the methods that worked in a previous campaign to keep moving forward, and what kind of success can be found by creating a strong campaign with a crucial social message and impact. 

If you want to learn more about this project, read here about our case study with Head & Shoulders.

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Helene Graffner
Procter & Gamble
Default person placeholder image: minimalist white circular icon resembling a person
Bernadette Hutson
Valtech Radon

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