

Digitizing and Automating Crucial Financial Services Offerings


  • Financial Services


  • Enterprise Transformation
  • Experience Elevation

Going Digital


The Primonial Group ​selects, gathers and proposes complete financial solutions dedicated to professional asset managers but also ​to direct customers, meaning Primonial has long been a B2B2C company. They serve 120,000 customers (private, corporate and institutions) and relied heavily on a paper-based workflow for acquiring new customers. Digital transformation was a crucial step for saving time.

In addition to digitizing and streamlining processes, Primonial was also interested in a new way to onboard new customers, to give clients more access and transparency to their own asset management, and a new way to communicate with their B2B partners as well.

Hub by Primonial

Hub by Primonial is a back-office application primarily used by advisors in onboarding new clients and managing their investment projects. It’s the main tool created to support Primonial’s digital transformation. Through Hub, Primonial’s advisors have access to their clients’ entire investment history and personal information used to create investment plans, purchase life insurance and make sound asset management decisions. Hub also serves as a tool in communicating with business partners, as the insurance companies and other advisors who work with Primonial are also granted access to the necessary client information within the client’s profile.

Link by Primonial

Link by Primonial is a robo-advisor that facilitates the investment or purchase process, making these tasks simpler for clients. Link is the product that Primonial is pushing to take them more into the B2C space. In addition to helping clients with the purchase process, Link also provides 100% autonomous arbitration and payment, without the need ​ for an advisor or asset manager. ​

Tablets showcasing Primonial platform



By taking Primonial’s paper-based process and making it digital, we took a process that once took upwards of two months to complete and shortened the timeframe down to a couple weeks. And through the addition of Link, as well as the Client space on the website, we’ve added more B2C functionality to a company that was exclusively B2B2C before. This shift has allowed Primonial to grow their business and continue to remain at the forefront of the asset management market in many European countries.


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