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On-demand: Webinar

The Valtech team was delighted to co-host a webinar with the Department for Transport (DfT) that took a deep dive into the current state of play for connected and automated vehicles, and the vast potential of transport-related data for accelerating positive change.

Valtech’s Danny Pezic explains the current state of the transition to connected vehicles and highlights the vast amounts of computation, communication and data creation available. He details how their interaction with infrastructure, people, devices and other vehicles creates significant potential for improving transport policy and management, public transport, infrastructure, road safety and environmental impact.

Sarah Al-Adely from the DfT talks about the evolution of data platforms, data standards and data sets within the Department. Working to deliver on the Transport Data Strategy, Sarah outlines the current data sets and shares some of the use cases, highlighting the actions to connect systems and harmonise data standards so they can be linked and better used.

John Spanton from Valtech explores how good practice for data sharing between government, manufacturers, customers and society is crucial for the adoption of new technology and innovation. Using our work on the adoption of electric vehicles as an example, John also looks at some of the critical enablers – and blockers – and how data sharing plays a pivotal role in accelerating change.

Valtech’s Peter Ivanov talks about the development of Greenwave, a vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) service. Already operating in 70 cities worldwide, the service uses real-time traffic light data to manage the speed of connected vehicles so they can move through the city without stopping. It makes driving safer and reduces fuel consumption, delivering average energy savings of up to 14% with connected car drivers.

Host John Cooper, Senior Engineer for Digital Projects in Traffic & Technology at the DfT, also leads a Q&A and roundtable discussion about how data and innovation may shape the future of transport and connected and automated vehicles.


Denny Pezic (03:00)

Global Industry Lead for Automotive & Mobility, Valtech

Today’s connected car: Overview of the sensors and systems in modern vehicles, the data they can produce and what sort of useful information they could detect.

Sarah Al-Adely (10:50)

Head of Data Management, DfT

Evolution of national data platforms and standards: Overview of the DfT’s current work around improving the transport data landscape

John Spanton (19:55)

Client Partner for UK Government, Valtech.

Data Sharing: What does good look like for Government, manufacturers, customers, and society? What is the balance between social responsibility of sharing data vs. the commercialisation of data?

Peter Ivanov (25:54)

Managing Director, Global Mobility Service Line, Valtech

Demonstration of traffic light integration: Demonstration of a data-driven service, traffic light integration, and its implication on sustainability, safety and more.

About Valtech

Valtech are a global digital agency focused on business transformation. We bring experience working with UK Government (for example, transformation of the Blue Badge Digital Service) and automotive experience with our Mobility Global Service Line. Valtech provide a full spectrum of connected car platforms and services in V2X, Swarm, Telematics, Navigation, and Infotainment areas.

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