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Event Date: May 06, 2020
11:30AM - 12:30PM CEST
Webinar: Watch on demand

The world has changed in 2020 – what does it mean for your SEO? In this webinar, two of Valtech’s SEO experts will tell you everything you need to know about your SEO investments and focus in 2020.

Our SEO experts Jonna Tetzlaff and Dennis Nieuwstad gets you up to speed with the SEO basics, discussing the latest SEO trends and gives you some tips for managing SEO in the age of COVID.

Watch the full recording by submitting your details

Or if you’ve only got 2 minutes, here are our quick read, top 3 takeaways for SEO within the New Normal.

1. Organic traffic is (almost) everything

Sorting out your SEO strategy is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. Why does that matter? Organic traffic is the default performance indicator of your platform. It represents the baseline of your web traffic. A couple of years ago there was much more focus and reliance on paid media, but more recent developments in privacy and GDPR have meant we’re heading back to basics. Optimising your baseline digital presence isn’t optional anymore.

Be findable + crawlable + indexable

Quick win? Align an SEO specialist to your development process, as soon as you can. Yes there are lots of things you can do yourself to optimise your performance, but having an SEO expert working closely with your front end teams will mean you start seeing results must faster!

2. Content is King

Deliver the right content to the right person at the right time. But remember that you need to crawl before you can run. If you don’t have the right SEO foundations in place there’s no point diving into elaborate content strategies. Once you’ve got the SEO basics, then you can start thinking about structured data, keywords, and writing for Google (and beyond).

Speak to your audience, not at them.

Quick win? Read the full Content continues to be King whitepaper to show you how to achieve your content ambitions.

content is king whitepaper

3. The New Normal

It’s business as unusual right now. So, make sure you’re keeping up to date with the situation as it changes, daily, weekly, monthly. Your content strategy and SEO approach depends on you responding to the changing situations and iterating  accordingly. Images of hugs and handshakes might not strike the right cord with your customers anymore. That mention of viruses on your support page? Maybe think of a re-write. This is a global pandemic with local impact - are all of your sites hitting the right tone?

Quick Win? Check out the ‘Think with Google’ communication guidelines for advice on communicating in a crisis.

If you’d like to find out more about the work we do, or to talk to one of our SEO experts about a project you’re planning, why not get in touch with us today?

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