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Exploring Business Transformation

Retail & Consumer Goods Enterprise Transformation

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What to expect

Title: Exploring Business Transformation

Theme: Connected Experiences 

Guests: Tina Dejan, Strategy Director and Co-Director Valtech Future Studio

The consumer mindset has changed, yet we intuitively know that consumers have a desire to get back to something that feels normal. That’s why in this series of episodes, we’re looking at The Future Buying Journey.

In this episode we talk to Tina Dejan, Co-Director of the Valtech Future Studio. In this episode she brings us all up to speed on what we actually mean by business transformation, why businesses do indeed need to transform, and why we've created the Valtech Future Studio to help businesses to meet their future ambitions. Don't just imagine the future, build it! 

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Tina Dejan
Valtech Future Studio

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