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The metaverse

Financial Services Experience Elevation

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What to expect

It’s commonplace now for brands to talk about the combination of the physical and the digital - creating those borderless experiences that make interacting with a brand frictionless. But what if we could take that connected experience a few steps further, and send users right into the centre of a fully immersive, intelligent environment. The meeting of the physical works with augmented or virtual worlds within a single shared space. Enter the Metaverse, the latest offering on the tips of digital-industry tongues. 

Title: Fully immersive finance 

Theme: Transformation stories


Lydia Livingston: Creative Director, Valtech

Sandro Tarchini: Finance Industry Lead, EMEA, Valtech

Topics: Immersive Experiences, Financial Services, VR, AR, Emerging Tech

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Lydia Livingston

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