
Public Sector

Collaborating with you to transform our public sector

We have a reputation for excellence as a responsible partner. Here is how Valtech can help you improve and optimize public service experiences and outcomes.

A young woman stands outdoors, focused on her smartphone while interacting with an electric scooter or bike, likely using an app to unlock or navigate it. She is dressed casually in a white tank top and jeans, with long, wavy hair. The background features a modern urban setting with beige buildings and greenery, suggesting a relaxed city environment. The image highlights the use of technology for convenient urban mobility.

Comunidades facilitadoras digitales

Siempre hemos dicho que queremos que nuestro trabajo mejore la vida de las personas y haga crecer los negocios de nuestros clientes. Rara vez este objetivo es más obvio que en la entrega de soluciones digitales que apoyen a todos los miembros de nuestra sociedad, a nivel mundial.


Desde sistemas de tráfico hasta servicios sanitarios, pasando por anuncios públicos y campañas de contratación, trabajamos con una amplia gama de organizaciones del sector público para permitirles ofrecer experiencias significativas a los usuarios que confían en ellas.

Ayudamos a dar forma a la forma en que se hacen las cosas en toda la industria. Como uno de los primeros defensores de los métodos ágiles, somos pioneros en métodos nuevos y eficientes que transforman las formas de trabajo y la velocidad de entrega.


En el Reino Unido , permitimos que los departamentos gubernamentales cumplan con el Estándar de Servicio Digital y participamos activamente en su mejora continua. En Alemania nos hemos encargado de trazar la hoja de ruta del programa digital. Dondequiera que trabajemos en el mundo, estamos particularmente orgullosos de nuestros proyectos que ayudan a los vulnerables de nuestra sociedad y apoyan a algunas de las comunidades más merecedoras.

La experiencia completa

Para que las organizaciones del sector público puedan apoyar mejor a sus usuarios, es necesario transformar las formas de trabajar, aplicar de forma inteligente los datos y centrarse en el diseño centrado en el usuario. Para ofrecer una experiencia completa a los usuarios, trabajamos con organismos gubernamentales y equipos del sector público para involucrar a sus departamentos en esta transformación. Esto aporta mejoras en la resiliencia operativa y la rentabilidad, al tiempo que mejora la experiencia del usuario.


Nos aseguramos de elevar la participación de los usuarios a través del codiseño de servicios y la atención continua a la validación de la entrega a través de la investigación, las pruebas y el análisis. Empleamos métodos basados en datos para permitir la toma de decisiones informadas, aprovechando lo último en ciencia de datos y tecnologías de plataforma

Logramos todo esto empleando el poder de equipos colaborativos y multidisciplinarios de expertos. Estos equipos están formados por investigadores de usuarios, ingenieros, diseñadores y científicos de datos que interactúan diariamente con usuarios, partes interesadas y otros proveedores para maximizar el poder de la colaboración.

How we can help you with your challenges

A man with curly hair is engaged in a discussion, holding a pen in his hand while speaking. He is wearing a checkered shirt and sitting in an office environment, with shelves of books and documents behind him. Sunlight is streaming into the room, casting soft shadows, creating a warm and professional atmosphere. The man appears focused, gesturing as he talks, likely in the middle of a meeting or collaborative discussion. The image emphasizes communication and engagement in a work setting.
Effective industry regulation

New tools, services and applications to help regulatory bodies to manage their business more effectively.

A man and a woman are working together, focusing on a whiteboard or screen in a collaborative environment. The man is pointing at something on the board while the woman observes intently. Both are dressed in professional attire, with the woman wearing earrings and having long, dark hair. The image captures a moment of concentration and teamwork, with both individuals engaged in problem-solving or strategizing. The scene emphasizes collaboration and attention to detail in a professional setting.
Data improvement and organization

We work with clients’ data to organize it and improve it to enable data-driven decisions and actions.

A woman wearing glasses and a checkered blazer is sitting at a desk, deeply focused on her work on a desktop computer. She rests her chin on her hand as she concentrates on the screen. The room is dimly lit, with soft lighting creating a calm and professional atmosphere. A notebook with handwritten notes is open on the desk next to her, indicating that she might be taking notes or referring to information. The image captures a moment of focused productivity in a work setting.
Grant application service builds

New builds of services that enable citizens or organizations to apply for government funding.

A young person with short, curly hair is lounging on a sofa, wearing bright yellow and blue headphones while watching something on their smartphone. They are smiling slightly, engaged in the content on their device. The person is holding the phone with a sleek black prosthetic hand, highlighting the use of assistive technology in everyday life. They are dressed casually in a striped shirt, and the setting is comfortable and relaxed, with soft lighting and a cozy atmosphere. The image emphasizes the seamless integration of technology in enhancing accessibility and entertainment.
Benefits application service builds

New builds of services that enable citizens or organizations to apply for government services or benefits.

 A man with long dreadlocks is sitting on a train, smiling as he looks at his smartphone. He is wearing headphones and a casual plaid shirt, enjoying content on his phone during the ride. Next to him is a large backpack placed on the seat. The background shows a train station platform through the window, with the train in motion. The image conveys a relaxed and pleasant travel experience, with technology and entertainment making the journey enjoyable.
Licence application service builds

New builds of services that enable citizens or organizations to apply for licenses.

A woman is actively speaking and gesturing with her hands during a meeting, engaging her colleagues in a discussion. She is seated at a conference table with two other people, one of whom is taking notes. The group is dressed in business attire, and the setting is a modern office with glass walls and a large screen in the background. The woman appears confident and expressive, leading the conversation. The image highlights teamwork, communication, and collaboration in a professional environment.
Implementation of new policy/legislation

Providing guidance and consultancy using our previous experience to help departments implement new initiatives.

Two workers wearing bright yellow safety jackets and protective glasses are seated at a desk, working with computers and technical equipment. One of the workers is pointing at a monitor, explaining something to the other, who is focused on the screen. On the desk, several cables and devices are connected to the computers, suggesting they are involved in a technical or engineering task. The image conveys teamwork and problem-solving in a highly specialized and safety-conscious environment.
Streamlining to save caseworker time

Rationalization of information feeds, processes and systems to reduce time taken processing cases.

A man with glasses and a neatly trimmed beard is sitting in an office, focused on his work on a computer. He is wearing a light brown shirt and is seated in a comfortable white office chair. The lighting is soft, and the background is slightly blurred, with office supplies and shelves visible in the distance. The man appears thoughtful and concentrated, possibly analyzing data or working on a detailed project. The image captures a moment of focus and productivity in a modern office environment.
Making sense of complexity

Helping clients find a way forward within multiple options, data sources, stakeholders and requirements.

 Two women are sitting side by side on public transportation, both focused on their smartphones. The woman on the left, wearing a beanie and a black jacket, is holding her phone with both hands. The woman on the right, in a teal jacket, is also engaged with her phone, looking down at the screen. The atmosphere is quiet and reflective, as both individuals are absorbed in their own devices. The setting is inside a train or subway car, with the city passing by outside the window. The image conveys the modern-day experience of commuting with technology.
Running services when live

Support, maintenance and continuous improvement of services that have passed through beta assessments and are live.

A young woman is smiling warmly at the camera while sitting at a dinner table with her family. She is wearing a black shirt and gold earrings, and her hair is tied back with a patterned scarf. In the background, other family members, including a young boy and an older man, are also smiling and enjoying the meal. The table is set with plates of food, drinks, and a candle, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The image captures the joy of shared moments and connection during a family gathering.
Building communities around services

Looking beyond digital to the community of people or stakeholders who use them, building links and encouraging discussion.

 A group of professionals is walking down a city street. One man in a business suit is carrying a helmet and walking with purpose, while another man walks with a folded bike. A woman pushes an electric scooter as she walks, and another woman is checking her phone as she keeps pace with the group. The urban environment is modern, with sleek buildings and greenery lining the walkway. The image captures a mix of personal mobility options and professional life in a bustling city, highlighting sustainable and efficient urban commuting.
Engaged users or customers

Build better and more fulfilling relationships with users and customers, enabling ongoing valuable contact.

Organización basada en datos

Ofgem acudió a Valtech para ayudarles a convertirse en una organización basada en datos y para permitir que la industria energética también se transformara. Les ayudamos mediante la creación de un centro de intercambio de datos y de datos que les permitiera gestionar los datos normativos en todas las funciones operativas. Esto ahora les permite tomar decisiones regulatorias en cuestión de días en lugar de semanas.

" Solo sabía que Valtech era un socio de confianza, confiaba en el trabajo que habían hecho antes, confiaba en su profesionalismo y cuando fueron seleccionados para trabajar en esto, no tuve reparos al respecto. La gestión de la entrega, la investigación de los usuarios, los desarrolladores, todo lo que se juntó, pero el desafío que me devuelven y me han demostrado que, a veces, ningún viaje es fácil, pero cuando las cosas se pusieron difíciles, Valtech ha sido un verdadero socio y un verdadero apoyo para mí. "

Sarah Cox, directora de operaciones de Ofgem

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The Blue Badge team at Valtech have worked hard to fully understand the needs of the real people who use the Blue Badge Digital Service, both citizen users of the Blue Badge scheme and local authority administrators, and balance these with the legal requirements set out by the legislation governing the scheme. They have continually sought to put Blue Badge applicants at the heart of the service to ensure that the online application process, and the badge management system, continue to work in the best possible way for all who need to use them.

— Diana Guerra, Head of Blue Badge Policy

Aumentando la eficacia de cara al futuro

Gestionamos el multipremiado servicio Blue Badge para el DfT. Hemos llevado el proyecto de principio a fin. Después de haber comenzado con la modernización de su aplicación, ahora administramos el servicio. En general, el proyecto de modernización ahorra 4,75 millones de libras esterlinas al año, y el hecho de que gestionemos el proyecto permite al personal de DfT concentrarse en lo que realmente les importa.

Hemos trabajado con una amplia gama de soluciones tecnológicas y proveedores de alojamiento y aportamos nuestra amplia experiencia en el diseño y la prestación de servicios digitales para mantenerlos.


Nos aseguramos de que se cumplan sus requisitos identificando los requisitos clave del servicio. Junto con usted, desarrollamos un Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio detallado, con KPI medibles, que garantiza que el servicio siempre funcione de la mejor manera.


Reinventemos el futuro