Customer experience vs rising operational cost
Gartner and Valtech combine to bring new insights to B2B
17 Pages
15 Minute reading

Data-led digital transformation strategy
At Valtech, we believe in the power of using data to help guide decisions. This extends beyond using customer data to determine marketing and product development to using data aggregated from peers to help guide business decisions. That’s why we talked to 100 leaders in Manufacturing about topics ranging from their own organizational maturity to the factors driving their own digital transformation strategies.
By reviewing the data collected in this short report, you’ll be able to benchmark your own company’s organizational maturity, see the changes driving digital transformation amongst your peers, and learn about some of the blockers other companies face to implementing successful transformations.
Data analytics transforming the total customer experience
The total customer journey is being reimagined, and while many manufacturers took the steps needed to enter the digital space already, it’s time for B2B companies to level up. Particularly when we see disparity between the maturity levels of different companies depending on the types of products they manufacture. This means it’s time for companies in the industry to rethink their data analytics, and to ensure the data they collect is being used in decision making. 69% of Manufacturers admit to having a Martech Stack that features siloed data and 55% admit they aren’t using their Martech tools to their full potential. These are the markers of digital maturity, and it’s these steps into maturity we’re eager to help Manufacturers everywhere take.