Diversity & Inclusion

When it comes to fostering innovation we believe a big part of that comes from our continuous commitment to attract the strongest talents into our diverse culture

The engine for innovation


Our commitment to diversity and inclusion at Valtech

Collaboration between people with a different background is at the core of our agile roots. It’s at the core of our connected agency with offices in 20+ different countries. At the same time, we acknowledge that we need to do much more to increase diversity in all forms within our company.

Valtech is undergoing a major transformation to bridge the diversity gap. The composition of our leadership teams - global, regional, local and craft – must reflect the people and societies they serve

As one Valtech, a structured approach which maps globally, embracing regional and local nuance, is the only acceptable approach.

A circular diagram with 5 sections. First section: Blue, Education - We prioritise education globally, specifically focusing on leadership. Second section: Green, Community - We collaborate, bringing together all Valtechies for our common mission - including everyone at Valtech, Third section: Teal, Inclusivity - We will continue to focus on creating inclusive environments for everyone, providing clear avenues to raise issues as needed. Fourth section: Yellow, Hiring - We ensure our hiring process that reaches all kinds of people through tailored and equitable measures. Fifth section: Pink, Accountability - We are accountable for this strategy, sharing data, successes and lessons learned. In middle of circle, text : Everyone at Valtech 5 pillars of diversity and inclusion

Through our 2021-2023 5 pillar strategy, we are enabling local and regional impact, whilst prioritizing global collaboration. Our goal, through alignment on these 5 pillars, utilising global expertise through our VP of Diversity & Inclusion and collaboration with all our regions, is to make a sustained and meaningful change, helping all our regions mature across diversity and inclusion, whilst learning from each one of our offices.

Ready, set, go

Prioritisation is key for any business strategy, and our diversity and inclusion strategy is no different. To make a consistent, measured approach possible, we have created frameworks for all of our regions to tailor and implement in the best way for their localities.

To this end, we have:

  • Set up a Global D&I Council comprising of employees from across the company, which meets bi-monthly to discuss specific topics related to our strategy and initiatives.

  • Embedded accountability within our business through clear and regular comms on what we’re doing, how we’re doing and what we’ve learned, through regular reports and global showcase events to our entire company.

  • Creating a more inclusive hiring process by rolling out a hiring matrix for our Talent teams to measure how we rate all potential Valtechies across competency-based questions, using data to understand who is/isn’t getting into our pipeline and rolling out interventions as needed.

  • Mandated training by default. This has been across our senior leadership on privilege awareness to ensure our decision-makers are aware of their role in creating inclusive environments for everyone, alongside embedding training across all hiring and interviewers on inclusive interviewer practices.

  • Embracing community through continuing to reach the next generation of women in tech through our global initiative Tech Girl.

  • Prioritising the growth of underrepresented talent by rolling out our Accelerating into Leadership programme which pairs underrepresented talent with senior leaders within their business vertical to aid constructive feedback, visibility and advocacy for their progression.

  • Holding ourselves to account with regular data reporting, embedding new systems to allow us regular “temperature checks” on how we’re doing on inclusiveness and belonging and creating metrics to define what success means to us.

  • Initiated a variety of local D&I initiatives to promote and increase awareness.

Where we’re at right now

This data is representative of Jan-Dec 2022.

Women % in new hires

Across our hiring pipeline, there has been a specific focus on increasing gender diversity. We have seen a marked increase in our 2022 pipeline, moving from 35% of new hires in 2020 being women (from Jan to Dec 2020) to 40% in 2022 (from Jan to Dec 2022).

45% of our net growth in 2022 were women, which is an increase from 41% in 2021 and 33% in 2020.


Our engagement data

Peakon Surveys allow us to understand how all Valtechies feel on diversity, inclusion, health and wellbeing. We rolled out Peakon as our global engagement platform in January 2022, and we pulse all employees every six weeks. With these insights, we effectively listen to all Valtechies in a psychologically safe, anonymised way.

As of end of ’22, we score 8.5/10 on Diversity & Inclusion. This has increased from 8.3 when we rolled out our first survey, which places us in the top 25% of the Professional Service industries.

Our 2022 Diversity and Inclusion report

We’ve launched our first external Diversity and inclusion report which shares all the data we have so far, our key initiatives across our five pillar strategy, exciting Valtech case studies around the world and our goals going forward.

Read our Diversity & inclusion 2022 report here

Currently, we do not have a clear global view of breakdowns for all Valtechies, however we are implementing several systems in 2023 to enable us to obtain an accurate view of this.

We understand that diversity is very much more than just age and gender, but as an organisation on a D&I journey, we are keen to share the data we have right now.

What’s next? 

This journey is continuous, and we are excited to see the initiatives rolled out in previous years come to life. Using our 5-pillar strategy, we will continue to develop and roll out meaningful initiatives that enable us to make a positive impact on embracing diversity and fostering inclusive environments across all of Valtech.

We will continue to update this page with new data as our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts mature.


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