Senior Digital Consultant

Bjarne Jepsen

"When I get to improve projects by properly guiding our clients through the technical jungle, I leave the office with an ear-to-ear smile on my face."

Name: Bjarne Jepsen
Title: Senior Digital Consultant
Part of Valtech since: 2005
Clients: Mainly confidential clients from the Pharma industry

What are you working on right now?

“These days I´m primarily doing frontend work for some of our Pharma clients. Usually my time is focused on the various frontend related services, but I also try to spend as much time as possible advising our clients. I’ve been doing this for so many years that I have a solid insight into what makes sense, to which clients and at what point in time in their digital evolution. But right at this time, I’m mainly doing frontend because there’s a very high demand.”

What drives you?

“I would say three main things; bad code, doing things clever and helping clients.
I hate bad code! Simple as that. I can’t stand to look at it and I need to fix it. And it’s way too often we see bad code work, when we get new clients coming to us from other digital partners. Simply sloppy work. Secondly, or perhaps the one that goes the deepest, is my desire to inspire and help. When I get to improve projects by properly guiding our clients through the technical jungle, I’m the happiest. It’s easy to get caught up in concepts and visuals, but what we do is so complex and we need to make sure the client understands how we’re going to get them from A to B – from business needs to technical solution and delivery and that’s where I come in.”

“I hate bad code! Simple as that. I can’t stand to look at it and I need to fix it.”

Why Valtech for so many years?

”Well, mainly because what matters the most to me as a professional is being able to deliver the best work possible, and I get to do that here. I work with highly skilled people all around me that I need to keep up with and that’s really motivating.
Another main factor is my innate need to be an active part of whatever I do. I wouldn’t like to work in a place where everything is pre-defined and I’d have little or no say. Here at Valtech, we have this wonderful flat structure that not only provides freedom and space but also enables me to influence what happens around me.

“what matters the most to me as a professional is being able to deliver the best work possible, and I get to do that here.”

It’s a highly competitive industry where developers and senior digital experts are in high demand, so naturally many recruiters have tried to get me to. But being an integrated part of the Valtech culture, being able to balance my work- and private life while also providing the best digital solutions to clients, will always matter more to me than – almost - anything else recruiters may use as bait.”

How do you see the digital future?

“Well, my line of work is flooded with trends and new ways of doing things, so it will always be key to keep on top of trends but being able to balance those trends with my own insights andh common sense. So having a critical sense about what’s necessary, what’s irrelevant and not least – what’s realistic, is key when doing what I do. What we do is basically based on the same technologies that was there from the beginning, only the digital vocabulary has increased from around 300 words to 3.000.0000.

"What we do is basically based on the same technologies that was there from the beginning, only the digital vocabulary has increased from around 300 words to 3.000.0000."

I believe the same technologies will carry the future of conventional web development as well. But, now when the web is transferred onto things – the so-called Internet of Things - wearable devices, smart appliances, healthcare devices, voice controlled units such as Alexa, just to name a few, the traditional frontend disciplines are no longer the obvious ones. Time will tell how exactly the future of frontend looks, and we’ll continue to stay on top of it by staying curious.”


Senior Digital Consultant

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