Learn JavaScript and get a job in the international digital agency

Applications are closed as the group is recruited

Are you the student of the technical specialty or you want to try another career?


We invite you to participate in JavaScript internship at Valtech.

This is a 2-month trainer led program, focused on a fast track to gain real project experience and to help you elevate to Junior level in the shortest possible timeline.

The internship lasts for 2 months full time, from Monday to Friday. From the first day Craft Studio students are employed by Valtech.

We use English as an official language at Valtech for internal and external communications. It will be a great opportunity for you to practice and enhance your English skills.

Hands-on experience in IT or relevant education is not required, but we are eager to find inspired prospective developers, having strong theoretical knowledge background and Intermediate English.

During the 2-month internship we will cover the following topics:



/ CSS and SCSS

/ JavaScript

/ Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces

/ Network requests


/ Storages

/ Communication with colleagues and the client

Applications are closed as the group is recruited. To get known about the next launches, please submit the form:

Open the form


You will have a trainer.

The Craft Studio will be run by our in-house trainer with extensive hands-on experience. The trainer will support interns with their practical assignments, conduct workshops, provide feedback and answer all your questions.



/ Employment: PE contract with Valtech starting day 1

/ 350 EUR for the first 2 months

/ 500 EUR after Craft Studio graduating

/ Results-based increase after 3 months


How to join Craft Studio:

I am in! What are my next steps?

Applications are closed as the group is recruited. To get known about the next launches, please submit the form:

Open the form

You will get:

What’s in here for you

/ Real projects and tasks practice

/ Monthly scholarship

/ Support from trainers

/ Guaranteed employment


You will be able to:

/ Work with GIT repositories

/ Create a simple site with forms

/ Write and compile SCSS code

/ Write code in JS, solve logical issues

/ Work with servers and create queries

/ Form data exchange with JSON

Fill in the form and get all instructions

I Dare!

Applications are closed as the group is recruited. To get known about the next launches, please submit the form:

Open the form

We are Valtech


Valtech is an international digital agency. The multi-award winning company, that has been proven as a market leader according to The Forrester Wave: Commerce Services, Q1 2021. Valtech Ukraine has recently joined the top 10 of the 100 IT employers of the year according to the MC.today rating.

Globally, we are a network of 4 000 makers, thinkers, marketers, creatives, and developers, spanning 5 continents with 51 offices in 18 countries. In Ukraine you can find us in Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Lviv.


Valtech Craft Studio attracts, engages and grows talents to become professional consultants.

/ 2-month internship

/ Practical learning program

/ Support from trainer

/ Full-time employment

/ Compensation

/ Relevant hands-on experience

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out the form and the nearest person from office will contact you.

Let's reinvent the future