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From monolith to microservices

How Findbolig became the innovation leader in Denmark’s rental market

A person holds a smartphone displaying a real estate app


  • Retail & Consumer Goods


  • Experience Elevation

Get to know Findbolig


Findbolig is a web-based service that helps connect homeowners and renters in Denmark. Owners can place ads for available properties, and prospective tenants can browse and filter options easily according to their housing needs.

Findbolig is developed and owned by DEAS, a leading property management and advisory company. The DEAS Group is present in eight cities across the Nordics, with a total portfolio of more than 2,600 properties and 73,600 housing units.

DEAS serves tens of thousands of tenants and homeowners and employs more than 1,000 people.

a family sitting on a couch with a dog

A legacy platform out of step with a quickly evolving housing market


Findbolig is a pioneer in connecting homeowners, living spaces and renters looking for their perfect homes. But as they have evolved to serve a wider, diverse clientele, challenges have emerged.

The existing platform, launched in 2007 and updated in 2014, was reaching its limits. Though functional, its monolithic architecture lacked the flexibility to adapt to and integrate with new technologies or facilitate new partnerships. These are the features that a microservices architecture can deliver.

Findbolig asked Valtech to redesign their platform with future ambitions in mind. The same way tenants ask themselves, “Could we imagine hosting a dinner party in here?” Findbolig asked Valtech to imagine what it would look like to build a community — one where renters enjoy a seamless house-finding experience, and partners are empowered to seek out value-creation opportunities as they emerge.

Four smartphones display different screens of a real estate app

Transforming the rental journey in Denmark


We envisioned a future-proof platform with a modular, API-first architecture built on microservices. This meticulous approach offered several key advantages that directly addressed the legacy platform’s limitations:

  • Adaptability. Our modular design allows for independent development and deployment, ensuring the platform seamlessly adapts to future growth and evolving user demands. This is the “Could we throw a dinner party here?” question but in the digital realm. And Findbolig can definitely throw a party here. The space expands to accommodate all guests.

  • Flexibility and integration. This is the architecture’s open floor plan. The API-first approach facilitates seamless integration with external services and future partnerships. This opens doors to exciting possibilities for innovation and collaboration with organizations across the housing market.

  • Efficiency. Modular design allows for independent development and maintenance. That frees up Findbolig’s internal resources for strategic initiatives and exceptional customer service. This translates to cost savings and more efficient operations.

The agility this new architecture introduces

Valtech and Findbolig have been on a multi-year journey to transform the client's legacy platform.

The redesigned platform, built with Sitecore, is a hybrid solution with core functionalities built upon separate, interconnected services. Those functionalities break into four feature sets:

  • Applicant features. These empower would-be renters with intuitive search functionalities, automated search agents, and an ability to manage their rental applications and favorite listings.

  • Organization features. These cater to large organizations such as pension funds and residential funds. The platform streamlines portfolio management, facilitates complex rules for waiting lists and automates offer processes.

  • Private landlord features. These are right-sized versions of the features for organizations.

  • External integrations. These connect outside services and partners to unlock future opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

  • Cloud-enabled. The platform can run on-premises and in a cloud infrastructure that is based on AKS and Docker.

The importance of commitment during a transformation

If you hire a general contractor to build you a dream home, you want that contractor to be communicative and to honor their commitments, right? That’s how we approached this work.

We stuck to our commitments and, together with Findbolig, invested resources to ensure the company would realize their vision and be fully prepared for this journey.

As transformative as the technical architecture has been, the strength of our partnership is what allowed us to deliver an innovative, amazing new platform that is earning Findbolig industrywide recognition.

  • Vibrant buildings in Copenhagen, Denmark, showcasing a beautiful array of colors in the cityscape
  •  A woman sitting on a couch with a dog
  • A family sitting on a couch

The new Findbolig platform exceeded our expectations by fulfilling all the business and technical requirements of a challenging undertaking.

It was a complex and ambitious project, but we innovatively expanded our architectural boundaries, creating a headless platform that has given us the flexibility we need to meet current and future demands, and to align with our partners’ needs.

— Kim Krabbe, Senior Director of Commercial Partnerships, Findbolig



The redesigned platform has delivered transformative results across user experience, business efficiency and community impact. Here's a data-driven breakdown that speaks to the platform's effectiveness:

  • User satisfaction soars. More than 460,000 active profiles have experienced a significant improvement in their rental search journeys. A staggering 23% annual increase in applicants and 27% more renters finding their dream homes are testaments to the platform's success. Additionally, 3,500 daily messages connect renters with agents faster, creating a smoother and more personalized experience.

  • Business efficiency triumphs. Streamlined workflows free up internal resources, allowing the Findbolig team to focus on strategic initiatives and exceptional customer service. This translates to cost savings, more efficient operations, and room to focus on long-term growth and innovation.

  • A thriving rental community. Findbolig fosters a vibrant community, connecting renters with residences at a rate of 22,895 matches every month. This platform is transforming the Danish rental landscape for everyone, creating a more efficient system for both renters and property owners.

  • Industry observers recognize how impactful this transformation has been. In April 2024, our work with Findbolig was nominated in the Best Website category at the 2024 Danish Digital Awards.

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