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The 4 'E's of сommerce

Retail & Consumer Goods Manufacturing & Distribution Commerce Acceleration

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The question of what drives the future of commerce has always been front of mind for us. When global logistics firm PostNord started releasing their annual Commerce Reports on the state of e-commerce across sectors in the Nordics, they noticed a shift in the trends defining the industry moving forward. The result? They challenged the traditional marketing mix, the 4Ps, by shedding light on a then unconventional approach.  

In this 25-minute podcast, we’re joined by Solidad Gonzalez, e-commerce advisor at PostNord Sweden, to discuss the four major trends defining the fast growth of commerce (The 4 Es). From providing commerce experiences that go beyond the transaction, to creating value exchange for customers by allowing them to shop across any channel (commerce everywhere) to delivering customer engagement beyond the product or service, we’ve got every important topic covered in a short conversation. Listen to learn more. 

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Solidad Gonzalez
PostNord Sweden

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