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Manufacturing & Distribution Marketing Creativity & Performance

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What to expect

This interview tackles the challenge of complexity within the digital sphere; how can you market a product of huge potential, to an audience who have relatively little understanding of its existence? From mobility, to construction to the energy sector, this is a technology and product that has huge sustainability impact but low brand awareness. Add into the equation that this all sits alongside an expansion of the digital marketing presence into the Chinese ecosystem, with the creation of a digital content hub and all of the complexities that exist within it

CBMM | Niobium is the world’s leading supplier of Niobium products and technology. Fully integrated from the Brazil Araxá industrial plant to the final products to more than 40 countries/ global destination, CBMM also provides expert technical assistance to customers around the globe. 

Theme: Transformation Stories


Mauricio Massano, Snr Marketing Analyst, CBMM | Niobium

Jessica Chen, External Communication - Marketing, CBMM | Niobium

Topics: Digital Marketing, Messaging, Content & Campaigns, Storytelling, Sustainability, Digital Transformation

Default person placeholder image: minimalist white circular icon resembling a person
Mauricio Massano
CBMM | Niobium
Default person placeholder image: minimalist white circular icon resembling a person
Jessica Chen
CBMM | Niobium

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